Class Schedule for February 2025

Classes below are run by Elena and her friends and colleagues ... pls contact independent producers for further information !
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
4:30 pmFUNtango - Weekly Argentine Tango Practica hosted by Jean Fung & Surya Parekh NYC [IN] 6:30 pmNYC Tango w/ ALL-Star Instructors / FALL schedule @ Balance Arts Center NYC [BA] 6:30 pmNYC Tango w/ ALL-Star Instructors / FALL schedule @ Balance Arts Center NYC [BA] Tuesday Tango Practica hosted by Robin Thomas & Kim Dai NYC [BA] 7:00 pmArgentine Tango Lovers of LI- Wkly TUE Classes/Practica + Monthly Milonga w/Guests, Westbury LI [BA] 6:30 pmNYC Tango w/ ALL-Star Instructors / FALL schedule @ Balance Arts Center NYC [BA] 7:00 pmTango Wednesdays w/Adam & Ciko @YSBD..! NYC (Class + Milonga) [BA] 8:00 pmWeekly Tango Cafe Wednesday w/ Adam & Ciko @YSBD..! [BA] 7:00 pmTANGO La Nacional - lesson and party EVERY Thursday @la Nacional NYC [BA] 11:00 amTango/La Practica - EVERY Saturday w/ Mariela Franganillo [BA] 6:30 pmNYC Tango w/ ALL-Star Instructors / FALL schedule @ Balance Arts Center NYC [BA] 3:00 pmIntermediate Argentine Tango Classes w/Rebecca Shulman NYC [BA] 5:00 pmSunday Beginner Tango Lessons w/ Rebecca Shulman @ Solas Bar NYC [BA]