8ct Lindy CHARLESTON Crash Course, Part 2 / Tandem+ w/Elena @YSBD..!
Sat, Mar 1, 3-5pm
Level Advanced Basic +
Great for those just learning the Charleston or those who'd like to review/refine!
. you're a skillful 6ct dancer w/ AT LEAST 3 mos. of Advanced Basic Classes (or the equivalent; or teacher's permission)
. you're comfortable with social dancing
. some 8ct experience is very helpful but not absolutely necessary
You're excited to learn those cool moves you see on the dance floor. This is the class for you! Learn one of the cornerstones of 8ct Lindy Hop, the Charleston! You'll be introduced to the Tandem and Side-by-Side Charleston and some "must know" variations (different from those taught in January)!
Join in the fun and get ready to sweat!
Price: $35 by Feb 26; $45 thereafter
Register: Call 212-244-0011 -or- Click for Online
Location/Info: You Should Be Dancing..! 37W 26th St, 2nd flr, NYC
212-244-0011 - info@ysbd.nyc - www.youshouldbedancing.nyc