Time: 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Instructors: [You Should Be Dancing Instructors]

Event Information

Learn -in-a-Day Swing Crash w/ Elena @ YSBD..! NYC
Saturday, Aug 3, 12:30-2:30pm

Great for Newcomers -or- those who want a Refresher or to learn a New Role!
No partner necessary - everyone will rotate partners and make new friends!

The ORIGINAL Beginner's Intensive... Come learn to swing dance and take it to the dance floor in a day!

Join the world-wide community of Swing Dancers! Learn the style of Swing that was born in Harlem during the 1920s-40s and is still danced around the world today!
We'll cover partnering, rhythm, lead-follow techniques, and 6-count patterns which will get you ready for the dance floor!
Come ready for a great workout and a fun day!

Pricing: $35pp by Wed, Jul 31; $45pp after Jul 31
Questions/Register: CALL 212-244-0011 -or- Go Online

Location: You Should Be Dancing...!
37 W 26th, 2nd Fl NYC