Time: 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Instructors: [Jen Barnett]

Event Information

Slow Balboa Workshop w/ Jennifer Barnett & Brenan DeVoe
Mon, Nov 4, 8-9:30pm
Level: Intermediate+ / Advance
Completion of Sept's Slow Bal series or Comfort social dancing both the Laminu and Dean's Basic.

Join in w/Jen and guest instructor Brennan DeVoe, who co-runs the Philadelphia bal scene. This workshop will add styling and rhythms to Slow Bal patterns that you already know and love as well as introduce new patterns that add drama to this beautiful close embrace dance.

Pricing: $35 in adv (by 11/6); $45 (after 11/6)
Registration: Call 212-244-0011 or Register OnLine

Location: YSBD...!
37 W 26th St, 2nd flr NYC
212-244-0011 - info@ysbd.nyc