Argentine Tango Monthly Milonga @ the Salmagundi Art Club (FaceBook)
EVERY 2nd Tuesday, 6:30-9:30pm w/ Instructor/DJ Rebecca Shulman
Hosts: Annie Shaver-Crandell, Sherry Lane, and Michael Rosenfeld
The lovely Skylight Gallery on the parlor floor of the historic Salmagundi Art Club, is transformed into a Tango Milonga every second Tuesday of the month. The floor is perfect, the hosts are chill, and there's usually a different set of awesome paintings on the walls each month.
The evening provides a wonderful opportunity for beginners to join in for a brief but fun half-hour mini-class before the monthly milonga and then stay and dance with the regulars!
Rebecca teaches and DJs:
6-630pm: Beginner Tango Lesson
6:30-9:30pm: Salmagundi Milonga
Admission**: $25
(supports the Salmagundi Art Club, an historic New York institution housed in a beautiful 1850's building.)
(FREE for members of Salmagundi and club affiliates (NYPD, FDNY, DSNY, military, and veterans) with promo code DANCE)
** The Club's bar is open 5-9:45pm
** The Club's restaurant: open 5:30-8:30pm (Reservations: 212-255-7740 or info@salmagundi.org)
Location: Salmagundi Club 47 Fifth Avenue @ 12th Street, NYC
Contact Rebecca for further info:
kelebekka@gmail.com -or- 917.828.1250