Time: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Instructors: [Independent Producer]

Event Information

Long Island Swing Syndicate hosts Monthly Swing Sessions...

CHARLESTON Crash Course w/ Elena Iannucci (Lvl 1-2)
Sun, Oct 6, 3-6pm (3-5pm Intensive; 5-6pm Practice)

For Novice Charleston dancers ...
Prerequisites: This will be an Advanced Basics crash course. It will not be suitable for brand-new dancers, as it will assume some familiarity of 6- & 8-count swing rhythms. Basic Swing experience Required (Beg to Pre-int level).

An intensive crash course in both solo and partnered Charleston aimed at Novice Charleston dancers, those who want to brush up on fundamentals, and/or those who are familiar with Charleston but want to try a different role.

. $50 in advance (prepaying by noon on Saturday, October 5th)
. $60 thereafter

Price: $50 by NOON Sat, Sep 14; $60 thereafter
PayPal, Venmo, or cash (*Preregistration Encouraged)

** Carol Fraser / Swingout Clinic (Lvl 2), Sun, Nov 10


Contact: Charla or Kathleen
Email liswingsyndicate@gmail.com
Call 516-778-JAZZ
Location: 375 Dance Studio 375 Westbury Ave, Carle Place LI NY